CNU’s Yeosu campus has operated Korean cultural experiences for international students with the theme of “Favorable”. The cultural excursions have been done as a part of the cultural classes since April 2018. The students visited famous tourist attractions and historic places around Yeosu and Suncheon such as Odong-do, Suncheonman National Garden, and Hyangilam. Through the trips, they could see and feel in person on the spots what they had learned in the classrooms. Choi Eun-young, staff of Language Education Center on Yeosu campus, said, “The cultural classes were designed to introduce Korean culture to the international students and help them adapt well to the new environment.” After completing the course, the students will also develop cross-cultural insights and have a better understanding of Korea and Korean culture. Bulishboyev Bekzodbek, one of the international students on Yeosu, said, “Korean culture classes are very important for international students. We went to several sightseeing tours around Yeosu. We saw Korean culture and traditions that we learned in the culture classes. Personally, I am very happy with these trips. I saw traditional places, temples and unrepeatable nature of the Yeosu.”



By Khamdamova Nigina, Tribune Reporter
 Photos contributed by Language Education Center on Yeosu Campus

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