▲ A child imitating the posture of Ukrainian soldiers standing to attention during a Day of Unity event in Ukraine / Photo: AP

Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the Ukrainian government has claimed that at least 20,000 civilians including children have been killed. The people of Russia are also suffering economically from the war in Ukraine. Countries have been imposing a series of financial sanctions on Russia, which has been facing a default crisis. There is also a great fear that this on-going war could turn into World War III. Some experts said that it might be the beginning of the Third World War. Since the beginning of history, war has lasted regardless of time and region, and it has brought serious damages and had a serious impact on the world. The Chonnam Tribune brings various opinions from international and Korean students on war and its disastrous results, hoping to end war all over the world.

What are your thoughts on the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine?

Allali Djanafa (France): I thought it was only in the past when countries invaded another countries to expand their territories regardless of the casualties it would incur. I can’t believe there is a war going on by force, not a trade war. The conflict between the countries runs deep in history. But what has led to the war is the relationship between Ukraine and the western democracies. Russia felt threaten by Ukraine's desire to join NATO. I think that’s the main cause of this war. This reason does not justify the invasion and the consequences it generates. I do not think war should happen for any reason.

Pham Thi Man (Vietnam): Born in a country where war broke out, I learned how terrible and unhappy war can make everyone since I was young. So, I think that this Russian invasion is something that many people, like me, are angry and opposed to. War cannot be justified by any reason. War is not the right thing to do, and it should not happen. Russia is likely to consider its invasion of Ukraine to be just a peremptory act for some purposes or reasons. However, this is scary because it could lead to a third world war beyond a war between these two countries.

Has your country been affected by war?

Jin Kyeong-jun (Korea): I can only think of the Korean War, which began with the invasion of North Korean troops on June 25, 1950 and caused a lot of damage. About 10,000 families were separated on their way to escape from the war, and there were many casualties during a period of three years. Many civilians as well as soldiers who participated in the war were killed or injured. The number of civilian deaths in South Korea is said to be about one million. What was personally regrettable was the destruction and disappearance of cultural heritage. I felt very sad and sorry when I learned about this war in history class. The war has been on pause and there is currently a truce, but our country has been technically still at war since 1953. But I hope this devastating war will never repeat itself again.

Allali Djanafa: I think the most destructive and tragic world war in human history is World War II. France suffered 220,000 deaths in the war compared to World War I, which killed more than four million people in total. In addition, I heard that after the war, France's economy was not stable for a long time. The devastated land and mental stress caused many civilians to suffer at the time.

Why do you think war should not take place?

Dimas Putro (Indonesia): Thousands of people could be injured or killed and families could be lost in a sudden war. War has many influences in various fields, including economy, society, and politics. War continues to affect people's lives, leaving both soldiers and civilians with mental damage in addition to physical injuries. We must prevent war through cooperation and negotiation.

Pham Thi Man: War and civil war itself should not happen. So, I want the end of war all over the world. Governments should no longer hurt or kill innocent and good citizens for their own power or political purposes.

Jin Kyeong-jun: Everyone knows that war is not good. The effects of war last a long-time, decades, after the war and can continue to impact on several generations, not just a generation genetically or environmentally. In addition, considering that a number of refugees would be displaced as a result of war, it should end.

What can individuals do to end war including the Russia-Ukraine war?

Pham Thi Man: The world should criticize and oppose Russian co-aggression. Now many countries have begun to break off by opposing Russia's actions. It's not an easy question how to end this war. However, I think we should support the invaded country and oppose the country that causes war. We can speak out and widely convey our position through social media. You can take the time to protest against the war. As a student, it is necessary to participate in these protests and to speak out.

Diams Putro: The usual strategies suggested by political scientists and international relations experts to prevent war include arms control and diplomacy. Approaches to arms control and diplomacy vary in their actual and potential effectiveness. Donating to campaigns, volunteering your time, or assisting in another way. These contributions will help in our efforts to end war. Some good examples of anti-war organizations that you can donate your money to or volunteer at include the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition.

John F. Kennedy said, “Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.” Peace must be protected by mutual understanding between countries, not by force. War leaves a pain that does not disappear even after decades. War is causing too much damage to people, especially women and children. War in a foreign country far from our place is our problem for us as global citizens. We must know that there are no reasons that justify wars. We must not lose interest in war, so we will not repeat the same mistake again.

By Hong Ju-yeon, Student Editor

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